Interested in studying or making something happen with us?
The increase in people interested in our classes is a confirmation of the work we have been developing.
Last June we facilitated three mornings dedicated to the arts at CERCIPóvoa.
Between the 6th and the 13th of October, in Italy, the first drawing workshop organised by Blind Contour, our collaboration with artist teacher Melissa Morris, took place.
This weekend (22nd and 23rd of September) the Imagina Festival: Arts for the youngest.
Blind Contour is the name of our collaboration with artist Melissa Morris.
Once again we were happy to be invited to collaborate with a local primary school to do scenography for the yearly theatre play.
This school year we had two strong courses running for nine months.
A day of learning at the Ethnographic Museum of Lousã with Cerdeira, Arts and Crafts School teachers.
From our Instagram account
For those of you that don't know, sometimes it seems like nothing happens here on our website.